Stoney Acres Online

Things to Consider When Designing Your Fire Pit

Fire pits have become a popular addition to many outdoor living spaces and for good reason. A fire pit can provide warmth, light, and of course, a cozy gathering spot. A well-designed fire pit can also add aesthetic value to your outdoor area.

Landscape & Lawn Care in March

As winter comes to an end and the weather starts to warm up, it’s time to start thinking about landscape and lawn care for the upcoming spring and summer months. March is a great time to start preparing your outdoor space for the upcoming growing season. Here are some tips and tricks to get your […]

Your February Landscape To-Do List in the Northeast

If you live in the Northeast, then we’re sure you can agree that February can be a frustrating month for gardeners. We are sick of being cooped up and would give anything to be able to go out and play in the dirt. However, there is plenty that Northerners can do inside in February that […]

Hiring a Landscaper? Here’s What you Should Ask

Dreaming and planning a landscaping project is an exciting idea. Mapping out and envisioning what it could look like from start to finish is when it gets a little more complicated. Depending on the size and the time you have to allot to a project like this could determine whether you hire a landscaping company. […]

How To Recycle Your Fall Leaves

Fall is a great time to rake up all the leaves on your property and recycle them. You can either take them to a recycling center or compost them. Composting leaves is a great way to add nutrients back into the soil, and it’s easy to do. Just follow these simple steps. With the leaves […]

September To – Do’s For Your Landscape

September may seem like a restful month in the world of gardening & landscaping, but alas, this is the time to divide and reset perennials, harvesting gardens, order and plant bulbs, set up a window garden, and prepare the vacationing houseplants for their return to indoor life. Not to mention at the end of the month […]

Ornamental Grass – Here’s what you need to know!

Ornamental grasses are one of the most requested plants by our clients to use in designing a garden’s landscape. They look beautiful no matter the garden theme or time of year. There’s so many to choose from and they all provide the same benefits…They lend height, movement, and long season color to any landscape which […]

Thirsty July Lawns – Here’s What To Do:

It is officially summer and it’s HOT!  It’s a MUST to give your lawn additional drinks during this time of year. One of the many questions we get asked as a landscaping company is how often should you water your lawn during the summer? What if you’re on a budget or trying to be eco-conscious with how much water you use? 

Warm Up Your Nights With An Outdoor Fireplace Or Fire Pit

Who doesn’t love curling up next to a nice and warm cozy fire on a chilly night? We sure do! Adding an outdoor fire pit or fireplace to your landscaping project is a fabulous idea and easier than you think. What’s great is that you don’t even need a lot of room to start!  When […]

How To Determine Your Landscape Theme – Inspiration & How To’s

Themed landscapes are landscape designs with a purpose. Having a landscape design theme not only gives you inspiration, but helps you make decisions on specific things you want to include in your design. Most often homeowners have an idea of what they would like to include in their design, but are often unsure how to […]