Stoney Acres Online

Thirsty July Lawns – Here’s What To Do:

It is officially summer and it’s HOT!  It’s a MUST to give your lawn additional drinks during this time of year. One of the many questions we get asked as a landscaping company is how often should you water your lawn during the summer? What if you’re on a budget or trying to be eco-conscious with how much water you use? 

Warm Up Your Nights With An Outdoor Fireplace Or Fire Pit

Who doesn’t love curling up next to a nice and warm cozy fire on a chilly night? We sure do! Adding an outdoor fire pit or fireplace to your landscaping project is a fabulous idea and easier than you think. What’s great is that you don’t even need a lot of room to start!  When […]

How To Determine Your Landscape Theme – Inspiration & How To’s

Themed landscapes are landscape designs with a purpose. Having a landscape design theme not only gives you inspiration, but helps you make decisions on specific things you want to include in your design. Most often homeowners have an idea of what they would like to include in their design, but are often unsure how to […]

4 Reasons to Hire a Landscaping Company to Transform Your Property

Are you feeling overwhelmed looking out into your yard and seeing all of the things you’d like to change? You want a bigger garden to grow fruits and veggies… You want greener, fuller looking grass… You’d like that patio redone or a beautiful fire pit installed where you can spend cool nights sitting by the […]

The Importance of Snow Removal (and how we can help!)

It’s the season for another winter wonderland! And while there’s something blissfully magical about endless miles of pristine white snow, it screams danger too.  So if you’re done building a snowman and having your snowball fight of the year, remember to remove the snow from your sidewalks and driveways ASAP!  We know it’s just one […]

Expert Tips on Caring for Your Lawn in Colder Weather

Just because the months are colder doesn’t mean your lawn care is over and you can just wait for spring to come along. Here are eight things you can do to keep your lawn healthy during the coldest months of the year. Fertilize Use a spreader for this task, moving the machine back and forth […]

4 Reasons Why You Need to Keep Mowing Your Lawn in the Fall

Want a picture-perfect lawn next year? Then this is the best time for you to make sure that actually happens! Mowing your lawn may not be your favorite task, but here are four good reasons why you should do it anyway, especially this Fall. Reason # 1: Keep the leaves from blocking your yard All […]

When’s the Best Time to Plant Your Favorite Spring Bulbs?

Planning to plant spring bulbs in your yard? You’re just in time!  Fall is the perfect time, when the temperatures are beginning to drop, to begin planting your favorite spring bulbs. Now you’re probably wondering why these spring-blooming bulbs should be planted during the fall season despite their name (tulips, crocuses, lilies…), and that’s because […]

The 5 Best Trees to Plant this Summer

Looking for the best trees to plant so you can get away from the summer heat? We hear you! With over 60,000 species of trees to choose from, it can be quite a challenge trying to figure out which of these to actually plant in your yard. Not to mention, which ones will do well […]

Our 4 Tips for Watering Your Lawn This Summer

It’s summer! And you know what that means. You gotta give your lawn extra attention if you want it to stay green all throughout the season. Otherwise, your lawn could either end up catching a disease or drying up, and of course neither is a great option. Here, we’ll be giving you our top 4 […]