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For all you bird watchers out there, building a bird-friendly garden, especially for the winter, can be a daunting task. However, fear not! Today, we’ll unravel the secrets to creating a haven that beckons and nourishes our beloved feathered companions. As the frost settles and the air becomes crisp, join us in discovering the art of cultivating a garden that not only survives but thrives with the vibrant energy of winter birds. From strategic feeders to cozy roosting spots, let’s embark on a quest to make your garden a warm and welcoming retreat for our winged wonders. Here’s how to build a bird-friendly garden to attract feathered friends in winter:

  1. Choosing the Right Plants: A Winter Feast for Birds
    • There are many cold-tolerant plants that provide food for birds during the winter. Winterberry, Holly and Juniper are only three to name that can provide them the berries, seeds or other gruit that can sustain birds in the colder months.
  2. Strategic Bird Feeders: Winter Buffet Stations
    • When you step into a store, you may be overwhelmed with how many different types of bird feeders are looking back at you. It’s important you find ones that are suitable for winter and can hold the variety of seeds that attract different bird species. A few to name are Suet Feeders or Tube Feeders with weather guards.
    • Within your winter buffet station, you may also want to consider adding a heated bird bath to provide the birds with a viable water source.
  3. Creating Shelter: Cozy Nooks for Winter Roosting
    • Providing shelter for birds against winter winds is crucial for their well-being, especially during cold and harsh weather conditions. Creating strategic shelters in your garden can offer protection from the biting winds, helping birds conserve energy and stay warm.
    • Consider adding evergreens and shrubs in your garden or birdhouses and roosting boxes.
  4. DIY Bird Treats: Homemade Goodies for Your Avian Friends
    • Bird watching and caring for birds can be a costly hobby. Making your own DIY bird treats is a great alternative to store bought goodies. And they are so easy to make! One example is just including Fresh sliced apples, with a layer of Peanut butter and Birdseed.
    • Or make your own suet cake with Rendered suet or coconut oil (melted), Birdseed mix, Dried fruits (raisins, chopped apples, etc.).
  5. Protecting Birds from Winter Hazards: Garden Safety Tips
    • Predators are lurking no matter what time of year. So it’s important for your feathered friends to find protection especially when places are more exposed during the winter months when leaves are off the trees.
    • Place feeders and shelters away from areas where predators, such as cats, can easily hide. Consider adding baffles or guards to prevent access to nests and feeding areas.
    • Avoid placing bird feeders too close together to prevent territorial disputes and overcrowding.

As you embark on the journey of creating a bird-friendly garden, remember that your efforts contribute to the well-being of these delightful creatures. By providing food, shelter, and a welcoming environment, you’ll turn your garden into a haven that not only survives winter but thrives with the joyous presence of our winged friends. Embrace the magic of winter bird-watching in your very own backyard!

Are you ready to bring the soothing melodies of nature right to your doorstep? Imagine your outdoor space teeming with vibrant colors, alive with the flutter of wings, and filled with the sweet songs of birds, all year long. With our expert landscapers, we can help you with planting trees and shrubs that create a haven for our feathered friends. Call us today for a free quote!